Photo by Eric Broere Photography

I am originally from Colombia and have lived in Spain for over 8 years.

Since 2012, I have been residing in The Netherlands. My nomadic lifestyle and constant adaptation to change have shaped my resilient character.


Due to some health circumstances in the past, I decided to give another turn to my life with holistic therapies. Reiki was the first one on my path. I have now several years of experience in Reiki Energy Healing, and as a Reiki Teacher now I feel honored to be able to help the community and pass on this ancient technique to others for their own well-being too.

Then since 2018, ceremonial cacao has also become an important part of my life. My connection to cacao runs deep, since my great-grandmother grew organic cacao in Colombia as well. Rediscovering pure cacao in its sacred context during my recovery process deepened my connection with it as a the beautiful and powerful medicine it is.


My journey with cacao has taken me to sacred places, where I have learned from Mayan elders from Mexico and Guatemala but also from the Arhuaco indigenous people in the Sierra Nevada in Colombia. I honor the sacred traditions of Cacao as medicine, serving as a channel to reconnect with nature and promote a meaningful life.

I am grateful to all my teachers also to the ones that are not indigenous , who have either led me to them or that I have learned from their own wisdom about life and nature itself.


I serve to Cacao medicine in the most respectful way honoring the guardians of its sacred tradition. I am on service to Cacao Medicine as a channel in the re-connection with our purest nature and with Mother Nature itself.


I have also been initiated as Sahumadora, in the art of the Sacred smudge, carrying with lots of respect and love the traditions behind this art. Learning to work deeply connected with the sacred Fire element and the herbs used for different purposes with my Sahumador.




My hope is that you never lose hope, and feel as ready as I do to live a more meaningful life!


Con amor & blessings to all,
